Finding coordinates of Koch Curve

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-19 07:37:40


Sorry for my language since English is my second language.

I am trying to convert a straight line into a fractal known as Koch curve. The 2 points of the straight line are given and then I need to create the Koch curve where I divide the line to 3 segments and then make the second segment an equilateral triangle. See

So far we convert the straight line to 4 equally segments, and I need to figure out all the coordinates of the Koch curve.

I have thought of a straight line when the y coordinates of the 2 point are the same which give me horizontal line. if so, I can figure out the 3 points of equilateral triangle by dividing the second segment half and taking the cos(60) of the right triangle. as here:

My problem is how to find all coordinates when the stright line is diagonal, for example a(200,100), b(400,600) or a(400,500), b(100,500).


If your base segment is AB, with A(Ax,Ay) and B(Bx,By), then the 4 sub-segments will be AP, PQ, QR, RB as defined below.

First define two orthogonal vectors of same length:

U(Bx-Ax,By-Ay) and

Then the points:


The point+vector=point notation is similar to a translation.

Example with A(100,100) and B(400,100):

P = (100,100) + (1/3)*(300,0) = (200,100)
Q = (100,100) + (1/2)*(300,0) + (sqrt(3)/6)*(0,300) = (250,186)
R = (100,100) + (2/3)*(300,0) = (300,100)


Here is a javascript function based on Eric's algorithm.

export function getChildLinePoints (points, depth = 0) {
  if (depth === 0) {
    const Ax = points[0]
    const Ay = points[1]
    const Bx = points[2]
    const By = points[3]
    const Ux = Bx - Ax
    const Uy = By - Ay
    const Vx = Ay - By
    const Vy = Bx - Ax
    const Px = Ax + ((1 / 3) * Ux)
    const Py = Ay + ((1 / 3) * Uy)
    const Qx = Ax + ((1 / 2) * Ux) + ((Math.sqrt(3) / 6) * Vx)
    const Qy = Ay + ((1 / 2) * Uy) + ((Math.sqrt(3) / 6) * Vy)
    const Rx = Ax + ((2 / 3) * Ux)
    const Ry = Ay + ((2 / 3) * Uy)
    return [[
      Ax, Ay,
      Px, Py
    ], [
      Px, Py,
      Qx, Qy
    ], [
      Qx, Qy,
      Rx, Ry
    ], [
      Rx, Ry,
      Bx, By
  } else {
    const xpoints = [...getChildLinePoints(points, depth - 1)]
    return xpoints.reduce((acc, point) => [...acc, ...getChildLinePoints(point)], [])

