does not have a matching glue code in Groovy-cucumber

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-02-17 05:52:50


I'm using cucumber-groovy with maven based framework and unable to find the glue to stepDefinitions. Getting does not have a matching glue code in feature file. It is in Cucumber-maven Project. I have converted the Feature folder to 'Source folder'.

Error :

Unable to create src/test/groovy & src/test/resource (to use as feature's folder)

Here is my Test Runner CucumberOptions:

@CucumberOptions( features = ["src/test/resources/"],
        glue = ["com.esw.taa.avs.steps"],
        plugin = ["html:esw-tests/report"],
        dryRun = false,
        monochrome = true,
        strict = true


I also use Groovy-cucumber, but without Maven. Here is my CucumberOptions:

    plugin = "pretty",
    monochrome = true,
    tags = "not @wip",
    features = "src/test/resources/Features",
    glue = {""},
    junit = "--step-notifications"

