How to grep an exact string with slash in it?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-16 18:24:12


I'm running macOS.

There are the following strings:











I want to grep only the bolded words.

I figured doing grep -wr 'superman/|/superman' would yield all of them, but it only yields /superman.

Any idea how to go about this?


You may use

grep -E '(^|/)superman($|/)' file

See the online demo:

grep -E '(^|/)superman($|/)' <<< "$s"



The pattern matches

  • (^|/) - start of string or a slash
  • superman - a word
  • ($|/) - end of string or a slash.


grep '/superman\>'

\> is the "end of word marker", and for "superman3", the end of word is not following "man"

The problems with your -w solution:

  1. | is not special in a basic regex. You either need to escape it or use grep -E
  2. read the man page about how -w works:

    The test is that the matching substring must either be at the beginning of the line, or preceded by a non-word constituent character. Similarly, it must be either at the end of the line or followed by a non-word constituent character

    In the case where the line is /batman/superman,

    • the pattern superman/ does not appear
    • the pattern /superman is:
      • at the end of the line, which is OK, but
      • is prededed by the character "n" which is a word constituent character.

grep -w superman will give you better results, or if you need to have superman preceded by a slash, then my original answer works.

