SSAS XMLA DISCOVER: how to get list of roles in SSAS database

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2021-02-11 17:41:46


I am trying to get a list of roles existing in an SSAS DB using XMLA. I need only roles, not other information.

I know there is a <RequestType>DISCOVER_XML_METADATA</RequestType>:

<Discover xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">  
       <RestrictionList xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">

The query returns a ~9Mb XML containing complete information about the database, including the information that I do not need.

Yes, it does contain the piece with the roles:

          <Description />

But I would like to have only the role list without anything else.

Could not find a clear explanation on the web or MS website (where the documentation is extremely quirky for me) and would appreciate any insights.


Update: I needed to use the list of roles and members in a SQL procedure. I managed to use the result of DISCOVER_XML_METADATA in a procedure. Below is working code.

Still, it has to load the complete XML_METADATA from SSAS (instead of just roles, as I intended in the main question), but it works.

declare @SSASDBName nvarchar(255) = 'SSAS_DB_NAME'

-- when executed from SQL, XMLA Discover has to be wrapped in <Batch>
declare @XMLA nvarchar(MAX)
select @XMLA = '<Batch xmlns="" Transaction="true">
<Discover xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">  
       <RestrictionList xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">

-- get the XML response from SSAS
declare @t table (x XML)
insert @t

declare @XMLAResult xml
select @XMLAResult = x from @t

-- expand XML response
;with XMLNAMESPACES (default 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset')
    SSAS_DB                     = X_DB.x.query('./ID').value('.','nvarchar(255)'),
    RoleID                      = X_Roles.x.query('./ID').value('.','nvarchar(255)'),
    RoleMember                  = X_Members.x.query('.').value('.','nvarchar(255)')
from @XMLAResult.nodes('//Database') X_DB(x)
cross apply @XMLAResult.nodes('//Roles/Role') X_Roles(x)
cross apply X_Roles.x.nodes('./Members/Member/Name') X_Members(x)



Another option is to use the DMVs $SYSTEM.TMSCHEMA_ROLES & $SYSTEM.TMSCHEMA_ROLE_MEMBERSHIPS. You can query using Invoke-ASCmd



Invoke-ASCmd -Server $serverUri -Query "select * from `$SYSTEM.TMSCHEMA_ROLES"


One option is to add this free open-source ASSP assembly to your server or database and then run the following (see this example and other role related ones here):

CALL ASSP.DiscoverXmlMetadata("\Database\Roles\Role");

Another option is to use this free open-source Visual Studio extension BI Developer Extensions which can generate a roles report which you can export to PDF. The advantage of this option is it queries Active Directory to recursively expand groups to see the members.

