How to convert varchar to decimal(38,2)?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-11 17:15:32


I have a problem converting from a varchar '000000113754' to decimal 1137.54

I'm comparing two expressions:

1. select STUFF('000000113754', LEN('000000113754') - 1, 0, '.')

2. select STUFF([dbo].fn_PrepareNumeric(('000000113754' + '-'), '+','-'), LEN('000000113754') - 1, 0, '.')

The function fn_PrepareNumeric just checks for the sign and appends '-' in front if the sign is -. That's all.

The problem is that the first expression gives me the correct varchar - 0000001137.54, and the second one does not: -000000113.754

Cannot figure out why?

