A kind of integration testing in ASP.NET Core, with EF and AutoMapper

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-02-11 14:32:29


I'm trying to test the path from my ASP.NET Core Controller to the DB, through repository which includes the usage of AutoMapper.

Here's my repository:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using AutoMapper;
using DS.DTO.MasterData;
using DS.Utilities.DSExceptions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Omu.ValueInjecter;

namespace DS.MasterData.Repositories
    public class PersonFactRepository : IPersonFactRepository
        private readonly Database.MasterDataContext dbContext;
        private readonly ILogger<PersonFactRepository> logger;
        private readonly IMapper mapper;
        public PersonFactRepository(ILogger<PersonFactRepository> logger, Database.MasterDataContext dbcontext, IMapper mapper)
            this.dbContext = dbcontext;
            this.mapper = mapper;
            this.logger = logger;

        public PatientDto CreatePatient(CreatePatientDto inModel)
            var dbPersonDim = mapper.Map<CreatePatientDto, Database.PersonDim>(inModel);
            var dbAddressDim = mapper.Map<CreatePatientDto, Database.AddressDim>(inModel);
            var dbPhoneDim = mapper.Map<CreatePatientDto, Database.PhoneDim>(inModel);

            var dbPersonFact = new Database.PersonFact { FactId = Guid.NewGuid() };

            dbPersonDim.PersonFact = dbPersonFact;
            dbAddressDim.PersonFact = dbPersonFact;
            dbPhoneDim.PersonFact = dbPersonFact;



            var returnVal = new PatientDto();

            return returnVal;

My AutoMapper configuration:

public class AutoMapperConfig : Profile
    public AutoMapperConfig()
        CreateMap<CreatePatientDto, Database.PersonDim>(MemberList.None).ReverseMap();
        CreateMap<CreatePatientDto, Database.AddressDim>(MemberList.None).ReverseMap();
        CreateMap<CreatePatientDto, Database.PhoneDim>(MemberList.None).ReverseMap();

My problem is how do I get my Mapper configuration into my fakeMapper?

var inMemDB = Fakes.FakeDB.DB;
var loggerCntl = Substitute.For<ILogger<Controllers.PatientController>>();
var loggerPersonFactRepo = Substitute.For<ILogger<Repositories.PersonFactRepository>>();

AutoMapper.IMapper fakeMapper = ????

var personRepo = new PersonFactRepository(loggerPersonFactRepo, inMemDB, fakeMapper);

It's on purpose that I'm going for a integration test, as I want my test to be able to post data to the controller and test if the right data ends up in the right tables.


  1. Create a mapper provider

    public class MapperProvider
        public MapperProvider() { 
        public MapperConfiguration GetMapperConfig()
            var mce = new MapperConfigurationExpression();
            var mc = new MapperConfiguration(mce);
            return mc;
  2. Register the mapping config

    AutoMapper.IMapper fakeMapper = new Mapper(new 

