How to call function after URLSearchParam?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-11 14:25:31


I need redirect page after it load and get param from URL. I can do by button click. But how I can make page redirect automatic after page have get param from URL (without user input)?


const handleClick = async (event) => {
  const stripe = await stripePromise;
  const { error } = await stripe.redirectToCheckout({

const param = new URLSearchParams('param');

const Page = () => {
  React.useEffect(() => {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
  }, []);
  return (
    <section >

      <button role="link" onClick={handleClick}>


export default Page;


You could probably just use your useEffect hook there to redirect the page, instead of using the onClick handler. e.g.

const handleLoad = async () => {
  const stripe = await stripePromise;
  const { error } = await stripe.redirectToCheckout({

const param = new URLSearchParams('param');

const Page = () => {
  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, []);
  return null;

export default Page;

Though, you don't really even need to load up React for any of this. You could just make this page a static html page with a script tag that does the redirect logic, or something similar to that.

After further discussion, we found out that in order for this stripe stuff to work on Safari-mobile, we needed to wait for the page's load event before calling handleLoad(), so something like this:

const handleLoad = async () => {
  const stripe = await stripePromise;
  const { error } = await stripe.redirectToCheckout({

const param = new URLSearchParams('param');
window.addEventListener('load', () => handleLoad())


You're going to want to parse those query parameters in the init/load handler. You can see an example of this here. Note that the event listener on DOMContentLoaded kicks everything off. An example of this in action can be seen here.

I noticed that your code uses param in the Checkout redirect directly. If param is a checkout session that you should be generating these on demand, not sending them in emailed links etc, as they are short-lived. In the example above, the code param is read and use to generate a new checkout session via a fetch and then that is used for the redirect.

