Multiple items path in sap.m.Table

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2021-02-11 13:48:31


In the items property of Table I set my path:

 items="{path: 'model>/elements/idStabMagTable/elements/'}">

Now I want map two different model (model with data and enable that manage the type of row)

                <ColumnListItem type="{enable>row_enable}"> //"Navigation" or none
                        <Text text="{model>society/description}"/>



This is my model model:

"idTable": {
      "elements": [
          "language": {
            "code": "01",
            "description": "ITALIANO"
          "scheda": "rome"
          "language": {
            "code": "04",
            "description": "TEDESCO"
          "scheda": "berlino"

and this is my model enable

"idTable": {
      "elements": [
          "language": true,
          "scheda": true,
          "_row": true
          "language": false,
          "scheda": false,
          "_row": false

I save the two models into two different file and I manage it into two different JSONModel. Now I want in each row set the values by the first model and the enable information by the 2nd model

But in items path I can map only one path! Can I map two model? (model and enable)


I have found my solution! It works fine and allow me to maintain differents models.

If in a Table (or List) I have this path for my elements:

items="{path: 'model>/elements/idStabMagTable/elements/'}">

if I want bind a property in the model model in ColumnListItem I write

<Text text="{model>society/description}"/>

If I have a 2nd model enable with the SAME STRUCTURE of model model I can map the same property but in the enable model in this mode:

<Text text="{parts:[{path:'model>society'}], formatter:'ui5bp.Formatter.elementEnable'}"/>

This is my formatter function:

 elementEnable: function (oEl) {
        var sPath = this.getBindingInfo("text").binding.oContext.sPath;
        var sProperty = this.getBindingInfo("text").parts[0].path;
        var oEnableModel= ui5bp.products.getModel("enable"); //same path, different model
        var oValueEnable=oEnableModel.getProperty(sPath);
       return oValueEnable;

