Open up URL on local machine sublime

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-11 13:41:53


When opening a URL via view_in_browser command it opens


instead I want it to open


I was able to do it before, but it was set up 5 years ago and the computer is dead.

I don't want to do anything with project URLs or setup sidebar enhancement packages, I also tried creating a custom plugin as in

Which overrides the open_browser command, but it doesn't work.

Is there not an arg I can specify in the key bindings to prepend a URL? Something like

{ "keys": [ "super+e" ], 
 "command": "view_in_browser"
 "args": {"url": "http://localhost:8888/"}

May be there's an existing package that does this?

Seems so simple, but is so complicated to do.. I'm on sublime 3


Couldn't find any other method apart from sidebar enhancements route so did the following

Installed sidebar enhancements, details here:

Opened the folder "htdocs" then right click folder > Project > Edit preview URLs

And pasted the following:


/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ : path to your files

http://localhost:8888/ : is path to local machine URL

Then go to Preference > Keybindings and in the right window paste

{ "keys": ["ctrl+l" ],
  "command": "side_bar_open_in_browser" ,
  "args":{"paths":[], "type":"testing", "browser":"Chrome"}

Now when you press control + l on the computer it will open up the URL with localhost prepended.

Hope this helps!

Personal observation: the granular control of sidebarenhacements is great and all, but this is overly complicated if you simply want to bind a key to open up chrome window with localhost prepended regardless of project, url type, file paths etc. Hope this is changed in the future.

