How to send mail automatically while creating new vendor bill or customer invoice in odoo

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-11 12:28:57


Hello everyone I have a custom accounting module inherits from odoo accounting module. I have created a budget and a budget has someone responsible for, and an analytic account related to this budget. I want to create vendor bills and customer invoices based on an analytic account related to the specific budget and I want to send an email notification message to the person responsible for the budget in his email when I create a new bill or invoice to notify him that with a message ( new bill has been created you need to validate it).


You can use automated actions:

  1. Configure the outgoing email server.

  2. Set the email of the related partner to the user who creates the invoice and the same for the responsible.

  3. Install the base_automation module.

  4. Create an automated action which will trigger the invoice creation:
    Go to Technical / Automation / Automated Actions and create new action.

    For example:

    • name: Email responsible
    • Model: Invoice
    • Action To Do: Send email
    • Email Template: Invoicing: Invoice email
    • Trigger Condition: On Creation

You may duplicate the Invoice email template and change the To (Partners) to the responsible.

