How to cast UserStore<IdentityUser> to its base class IUserStore<IUser>?

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-11 07:10:37


I am trying to use the new identity provider with my abstraction layer of my models domain, wich have a implementation of Entity Framework, so I would like to use the out of box version of identity with entity framework in my data access layer.

How can I convert an


to its base interface


Once UserStore is an implementation of IUserStore, I can get the cast by this:

UserStore<IdentityUser> as IUserStore<IdentityUser>

But I want to avoid the IdentityUser from EntityFramework references and dependences, to keep my domain layer loosely coupled. So, IdentityUser also are an implementation of IUser I can cast it:

IdentityUser as IUser

Both cases works, then I would like to do some like this (wich in fact doesnt works directly):

UserStore<IdentityUser> as IUserStore<IUser>

So, how can I achieve this?

If we look at this diagram, we will see what I would like to achieve. Referencing just the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core in my domain layer, but using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework implementation at DataAccess layer by returning the core interfaces for the domain layer.


The cast doesn't work because UserStore<UserIdentity> is not the same as UserStore<IUser> (even if IdentityUser implements IUser).

If you need UserStore<IUser> then I suggest you implement it in that way and cast to the concrete type internally, you can ensure that the concrete type is IdentityUser with a constraint e.g.

public class UserStore<T> : IUserStore<T> where T: IUser

You would also need to make your interface covariant i.e.

public interface IUserStore<out T> where T : IUser

This should allow you to do the following (assuming IdentityUser supports IUser)

IUserStore<IUser> userStore = new UserStore<IdentityUser>();

