How to use oAuth State parameter on MSAL.NET

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-10 22:20:40


I am trying to make usage of the state parameter which exists in OAuth2.0 authorization flow on a .NET Core project, using MSAL 4.0 but I couldn`t find a way to do it.

I want to provide/append a custom value (Redirect the user back to the Uri where they clicked the sign-in button, after AuthN succeeds). To do that, I would also need to send the current Uri in 'state' and retrieve the state value back, but I don't see any method/property on AuthenticationResult.cs that would hold it.

So, how can I use the state parameter with custom data on a .NET Core project using MSAL?


You don't need to use it, it's an optional security feature. employs 2 mechanism to prevent against attacks such as XSRF and man-in-the-middle: state and PKCE.

The state param is simply returned back by AAD. MSAL will compare the state param in the request with the state param in the authorisation code response.

