“Numeric value '' is not recognized” - what column?

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-10 15:50:12


I am trying to insert data from a staging table into the master table. The table has nearly 300 columns, and is a mix of data-typed Varchars, Integers, Decimals, Dates, etc.

Snowflake gives the unhelpful error message of "Numeric value '' is not recognized"

I have gone through and cut out various parts of the query to try and isolate where it is coming from. After several hours and cutting every column, it is still happening.

Does anyone know of a Snowflake diagnostic query (like Redshift has) which can tell me a specific column where the issue is occurring?


Unfortunately not at the point you're at. If you went back to the COPY INTO that loaded the data, you'd be able to use VALIDATE() function to get better information to the record and byte-offset level.

I would query your staging table for just the numeric fields and look for blanks, or you can wrap all of your fields destined for numeric fields with try_to_number() functions. A bit tedious, but might not be too bad if you don't have a lot of numbers.


As a note, when you stage, you should try and use the NULL_IF options to get rid of bad characters and/or try to load them into stage using the actual datatypes in your stage table, so you can leverage the VALIDATE() function to make sure the data types are correct before loading into Snowflake.


Query your staging using try_to_number() and/or try_to_decimal() for number and decimal fields of the table and the use the minus to get the difference

Select $1,$2,...$300 from @stage


Select $1,try_to_number($2)...$300 from@stage

If any number field has a string that cannot be converted then it will be null and then minus should return those rows which have a problem..Once you get the rows then try to analyze the columns in the result set for errors.

