Cron xdotool doesn't run

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-02-08 21:52:49


I am new to using crontab, and I've been trying to get a simple cron job. I want press F5 every 1 minute to refresh Mozzila Firefox. I am using xdotool for press F5. I have script /usr/local/bin/

xdotool search --name "Mozilla Firefox" key F5

If i run it in command line it works fine. And permission:

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 89 15. čec 10.32

In crontab i have:

*/1 * * * * cd /usr/local/bin && sh

But script run by cron doesnt work. Can anyone tell me what i do wrong?


The xdotool command is automation tool for X11 which allows you simulate keyboard/mouse input, but since crontab is run independently, it's required to define DISPLAY variable to specify which X Window System display server to use. Normally when you're login to the desktop this variable is assigned automatically, but crontab is running jobs in isolated environment (doesn't have even a tty associated), especially when you run commands via root account.

So in short, you should do define your job like:

*/1 * * * * DISPLAY=:0 /usr/local/bin/

Or you can define variables at the beginning of the file (in case of Vixie cron). See: Variables in crontab?

Also make sure the user which is running the job has granted access to the selected X display. If you need to grant the access, you need to assign the permission via xhost and setfacl commands and specify extra XAUTHORITY variable, see: Xdotool using “DISPLAY=:0” for more details.


So I tried a bunch of things, but for some reason on Ubuntu 18.04 echo $display returned :1 not :0. Also the only environment variable setter that seemed to work was adding:

export DISPLAY=":1"

directly to the script that cron is running.


Why not

*/1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/

cd /usr/local/bin is not necessary here as you're not running the cron job in /usr/local/bin

You need cd in below scenario

*/1 * * * * cd /usr/local/bin && ls >/var/somelog # wish to execute ls in a particular directory


First as Parth said, make sure to type echo $DISPLAY on a terminal and get the output (for me it was :10.0 for some reason). Then inside the script that you are calling from cron, before you call xdotool, write the following:

export DISPLAY=:10.0 

#instead of :10.0 write your own output from before

export XAUTHORITY=/root/.Xauthority  

#if you are not a root user, instead of /root/.Xauthority write ~/.Xauthority

