Set start_url in web app manifest based on the URL that was added to homescreen

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-08 14:56:33


My site has several subsections. When a user adds the site to their homescreen, I'd like to make sure that the home screen icon launches them into the subsection they were on when they added to homescreen.

I can register a different manifest for each subsection, but this doesn't work for single page apps where there's no page reload. I'm considering storing the subsection in a cookie and then redirecting from a generic start URL based on that cookie.

Is there a better way to do this?


If you remove the start_url from the manifest.json file then it will default to the page user was browsing while adding pwa app to homescreen. ref :


Have you tried changing the web app manifest url when the user navigates between different subsections?

document.querySelector('link[rel=manifest]').href = '/example-manifest.json';


One solution is for each page do you have a separated manifest with attribute start_url specific to each page.

