Cancel an already executing task in Python RQ?

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-08 12:45:55


I am using to queue and execute tasks on Heroku worker dynos. These are long-running tasks and occasionally I need to cancel them in mid-execution. How do I do that from Python?

from redis import Redis
from rq import Queue
from my_module import count_words_at_url

q = Queue(connection=Redis())
result = q.enqueue(
             count_words_at_url, '')

and later in a separate process I want to do:

from redis import Redis
from rq import Queue
from my_module import count_words_at_url

q = Queue(connection=Redis())
result = q.revoke_all() # or something



If you have the job instance at hand simply


Or if you can determine the hash:

from rq import cancel_job

But that just removes it from the queue; I don't know that it will kill it if already executing.

You could have it log the wall time then check itself periodically and raise an exception/self-destruct after a period of time.

For manual, ad-hoc style, death: If you have redis-cli installed you can do something drastic like flushall queues and jobs:

$ redis-cli> flushall
OK> exit

I'm still digging around the documentation to try and find how to make a precision kill.

Not sure if that helps anyone since the question is already 18 months old.


I think the most common solution is to have the worker spawn another thread/process to do the actual work, and then periodically check the job metadata. To kill the task, set a flag in the metadata and then have the worker kill the running thread/process.

