Failed to parse altool output: Failed to parse PList data type: /

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-02-08 12:37:11


I have a Xamarin.Forms application. I am up to date on my VSMac, XCode, Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, Mac, and everything else that I can think of. I am stumped regarding where to go resolve this issue. It is happening when I attempt to deploy the application to the iOS app store. I have checked my plist file with "plutil -lint" and it comes back as OK. any ideas are greatly appreciated. TIA.


Increase the build number in the info.plist file


I had the same issue, increasing the build number fixed it.

To do this in your Info.plist increase the CFBundleVersion like so:


You can keep the CFBundleShortVersionString the same, e.g., I kept mine at 1.0 as it was the first version of this app.


I had this issue today. I tried changing the build number and it didn't work for me. I closed Visual Studio for Mac and deleted the obj/bin folders and restarted Visual Studio and did a clean and rebuild and it didn't work. Finally I closed Visual Studio and restarted my machine and opened Visual Studio (I didn't delete the obj/bin folders this time) and tried to publish to the App store and it worked! So I guess try restarting your machine if you get this error...


Had a similar issue when publishing app from "Visual Studio for Mac" version 8.7.9 (build 9). I have tried following suggestions and those are not worked to me.

  • increase the CFBundleVersion
  • Restart the mac

Only thing works for me as suggested by @pinedax, is upload app using Apple's Transporter app. (

