Return me a flash player [closed]

一笑奈何 提交于 2021-02-08 12:14:40


The flash player was "killed" by adobe in 2020. But I need to use it. I need to use flash in my progect, but adobe stops me. Can I get a working copy of flash player?

Editing of mms.cfg works, but I can allow only few websites. I need to unlock flash for ALL sites. Please, help me to return flash content to my browser. (sorry for my english, i speak russian.)


First of all: you should not do this. Flash is end-of-life and for that reason removed from the browsers. There have been many security issues with Flash, and it is just a matter of time for new issues will be found and exploited… and Adobe will not fix them anymore. So, best is to get rid of Flash and replace that for a product using UI code that is supported, like for instance HTML5.

If you still want to do this – at your own risk – you can take the following steps…

Preparation of the PC used for browsing

The browser used on your PC should somehow be prevented from upgrading (which is a security risk by itself). Newer versions of the browsers will remove Flash capabilities. Note that the PC software itself (Windows, OS X) might remove Adobe Flash too… Preferably, the PC is blocked from accessing the internet, although that will not remove the security risk completely.

Option 1 - Internet Explorer 11

Microsoft has announced the end of support of Adobe Flash Player and will start in January 2021 to disable Flash Player by default and block versions older than June 2020.

To use Internet Explorer:

  • For Windows 10 / Windows 8 make sure to update the system via Windows Update, so a current version of the Flash Player add-on is installed (version >= Enable the Adobe Flash add-on in Internet Explorer (if it is not enabled yet):

    • Open the Tools menu and select Manage add-ons
    • In the Manage add-ons window right click the Shockwave Flash Object entry and click Enable. (if you cannot see the entry switch to All add-ons in the Show selector)

Add-ons screen

  • Place the Flash Player configuration file (mms.cfg) on the system as described in Configuring the Flash Player.

Option 2 - Firefox ESR Portable

Firefox ESR Portable is a 'distribution package' of Firefox, which is not directly installed on the client's operating system. Instead, ESR Portable runs from any folder. For this:

  • Download Mozilla Firefox ESR Portable. Use version 78.6.0 ESR. The readme for this ESR release is here.
  • Run the downloaded executable to extract the folder structure.
  • Create a configuration file named FirefoxPortable.ini with the following content:


  • Place FirefoxPortable.ini extracted folder that contains FirefoxPortable.exe. This configuration file forces Firefox Portable always to invoke the 32bit version of Firefox.
  • Create the folder <Firefox ESR Portable Install Dir>\Data\plugins
  • Copy all files from %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash to <Firefox ESR Portable Install Dir>\Data\plugins folder
  • Disable auto-update for the Firefox ESR package and limit browser access to selected URLs:
    • Create a directory named distribution under <Firefox ESR Portable Install Dir>\App\Firefox
    • Create the file policies.json in the distribution directory and add the following content:

"policies": {
"DisableAppUpdate": true,
"DisableSystemAddonUpdate": true,
"CaptivePortal": false,
"WebsiteFilter": {
"Block": [
"Exceptions": [
"<app URL>/*"

    • Replace <App URL> with the URL of the software you need to run.
      For example: "*".
    • Add other URLs in the same way if needed.
      For example: ["*","*"]
    • More details on the URL patterns can be found here.
  • Open Mozilla Firefox by running FirefoxPortable.exe and apply configurations specific to your target environment (e.g. import trusted certificates, set proxy, ...), then close the browser.
  • Zip the Firefox ESR Portable directory structure and transfer it to your client system.
  • Unzip it on the target system (in a folder of your liking).
  • Place the Flash Player configuration file (mms.cfg) on the system described in the Configuring the Flash Player section.
  • Start using the Firefox Portable browser by running the FirefoxPortable.exe executable.

Configuring the Flash Player

Starting with Flash Player's June 2020 release, configuration options were added to limit which content can be loaded by the Flash Player and options to configure update and removal of the plugin. Since January 12, Adobe Flash Player will only work with URLs that are explicitly listed in its configuration file.

To enable the Flash Player for your web applications, apply the following steps:

Create a new folder (if not already exists). For Firefox and Internet Explorer, the location is:

  • on 32-bit Windows operating system: \%WINDIR\%\System32\Macromed\Flash
  • on 64-bit Windows operating system: \%WINDIR\%\SysWow64\Macromed\Flash

For Chrome the location is:

  • %username%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\<profile>\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\system\

For Edge (recent chromium based versions), place the mms.cfg here:

  • C:\Users\\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\system\

In this folder, create (if not already exists) a file named mms.cfg and update it with the following content:



WhitelistUrlPattern=https://\<app URL\>/

AllowListUrlPattern=https://\<app URL\>/

You need to specify the top-level URL of the software you need to run.
Example: WhitelistUrlPattern=

You can specify multiple allowed entries by adding a separate WhitelistUrlPattern and AllowListUrlPattern pattern line for each of them, including port if required.


More details can be found in Adobe's Flash Player 32.0 Admin Guide in Chapter 5.

Option 3 – HARMAN browser

For businesses that need to continue running a supported version of the Flash player on older software products based on Flash, Adobe refers them to the HARMAN browser.


If you have a file with the project on it, you can run the project with adobe flash debugger. The download link is here.

