react native insertion of array values using react-native-sqlite-storage

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-08 11:41:59


i am trying to insert array values into some table for sqlite. my arrays values are not inserted. i am strucked here that was i tried can you guide me in correct way here i am getting the response from axion json output. response.zonedetails is a array. for (var i = 0; i < response.zoneDetails.length; i++){

      console.log('hi i am ');
      console.log('for loop log',response.zoneDetails[i]);

        var zoneNmae = response.zoneDetails[i].zonename;
        var parentZoneId = response.zoneDetails[i].parentzoneid;
        var levelId = response.zoneDetails[i].levelid;
        var zoneId = response.zoneDetails[i].zoneid;

   await this.setState({zonename: zoneNmae});
   await this.setState({zoneId:zoneId});
   await this.setState({parentzoneid: parentZoneId });
   await this.setState({levelid:levelId});

this is my response :"zoneDetails": [ { "zonename": "zone1", "zoneid": 1, "parentzoneid": 10, "levelid": "2" }, { "zonename": "zone2", "zoneid": 2, "parentzoneid": 10, "levelid": "2" },

i am unable to insert all values every time,it was inserting first array of 1st index values only [0]. can any one suggest me to insert all values in good way for react native.

