
How To Use both 'adjustPan' and 'adjustResize' for 'windowSoftInputMode' in React Native Android app

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2021-02-18 08:59:08
问题 How can I use both 'adjustPan' and 'adjustResize' in AndroidManifest.xml react native app. Use Case My navigation is made upon ReactNavigation with StackNavigator and TabNavigator. I have a text box where the user can type any data. While performing this, the tab bar is displaying on the top of Keyboard. In order to block this i used 'adjustPan' and it worked fine. On another screen, I have a registration with multiple text boxes. Here I cant scroll the entire screen unless and clicking 'tick

The development server returned response error code: 500 in react native

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-17 18:40:47
问题 I am using react-native framework for developing my android app. I want to use react-native-material-design library for making Toolbar with some more features. I installed this library in current directory where my project is using below command :- E:\>npm i react-native-material-design -g --save C:\Users\ch-e00925\AppData\Roaming\npm `-- react-native-material-design@0.3.7 +-- react-native-material-design-styles@0.2.6 (git+ ative-material-design/react-native-material

The development server returned response error code: 500 in react native

允我心安 提交于 2021-02-17 18:40:32
问题 I am using react-native framework for developing my android app. I want to use react-native-material-design library for making Toolbar with some more features. I installed this library in current directory where my project is using below command :- E:\>npm i react-native-material-design -g --save C:\Users\ch-e00925\AppData\Roaming\npm `-- react-native-material-design@0.3.7 +-- react-native-material-design-styles@0.2.6 (git+ ative-material-design/react-native-material

The development server returned response error code: 500 in react native

主宰稳场 提交于 2021-02-17 18:40:26
问题 I am using react-native framework for developing my android app. I want to use react-native-material-design library for making Toolbar with some more features. I installed this library in current directory where my project is using below command :- E:\>npm i react-native-material-design -g --save C:\Users\ch-e00925\AppData\Roaming\npm `-- react-native-material-design@0.3.7 +-- react-native-material-design-styles@0.2.6 (git+ ative-material-design/react-native-material

how to change address geocoding in react native?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-02-11 14:52:01
问题 I use react-native-maps, react-native-gecoding and react-native-geolocation-service, I have a problem when the maps move the marker doesn't move as well as the address that gets from the geocoder doesn't change, the address should change because of longitude and latitude This changes, even though I have set longitude and latitude to state, how do I make the marker move and the address changes when the user moves / clicks the marker? this is my code const [coordinate, setCoordinate] = useState

how to change address geocoding in react native?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-11 14:51:23
问题 I use react-native-maps, react-native-gecoding and react-native-geolocation-service, I have a problem when the maps move the marker doesn't move as well as the address that gets from the geocoder doesn't change, the address should change because of longitude and latitude This changes, even though I have set longitude and latitude to state, how do I make the marker move and the address changes when the user moves / clicks the marker? this is my code const [coordinate, setCoordinate] = useState

how to create a drawer using React Native?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-02-11 14:25:11
问题 I want to create a drawer that appears only on my homescreen, had tried using React Native side menu but that just hides the drawer behind then tried using createdrawernavigator but I have a bottomtabnavigator inside stacknavigator, and am stuck on how to implement drawer navigator on top of that below is my navigation.js const RootStack = createStackNavigator(); const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator(); const AuthStack = createStackNavigator(); // const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator();

How to change TextInput cursor position in React Native?

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-11 13:34:28
问题 I am trying to achieve this behaviour in React Native: The user type for example 5 then ".000" will be added automatically to the TextInput , but the user can add an other number for example 7, the final result should look like "57.000". I tried to find a workaround but calculating the length of value and add chars accordingly but it didn't work as expected. Then I found the selection props of the TextInput . Here is my take on this: I added this to state selection: { start: 0, end: 0 } Here

how to render data fecthed from firebase database in react-native functional components

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-11 12:22:46
问题 I'm getting data from firebase databse in console that look like this. [{ "isDonor": true, "name": "Nadi", "photo": "https://gre", "uid": "2ZE" }, { "email": "mmaz", "isDonor": true, "name": "Mz", "photo": "https://gra", "uid": "Cb" }] I want to create cards of each objects but how to accomplish that as data is fetched after some time? I want to render it like this Ihave checked other answres but they are mostly from class component. I have tried using useEffect hook but couldn't implement it

TextInput becomes slow after lots of typing React-native

别来无恙 提交于 2021-02-10 18:13:51
问题 I’m very much new to React Native currently i'm building a small app using expo. Currenttly i'm facing an issue when we type in the text fields continously the textinput slowing ie, in my project if the user enters 3 numbers in first field automatically it'll move on to next field. But if we do continous data submitting the switching of input from first one to second one is bit too slow. I could'nt find any solution for this. This is the working snack Snack This is the code that i've tried