Azure web job failing to execute after timeout

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-08 09:35:11


some of my continuous running web job function(random) show message of Timeout value of 00:30:00 exceeded by function '<myfunction>' (Id: '<id>'). Initiating cancellation.

after this message this function will not execute itself until and unless manually stop and start the azure web job.

Thanks in advance.


some of my continuous running web job function(random) show message of Timeout value of 00:30:00 exceeded by function '<myfunction>' (Id: '<id>'). Initiating cancellation.

Based on your error, I found the related code from Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host under FunctionExecutor.cs as follows:

internal static void OnFunctionTimeout(System.Timers.Timer timer, FunctionDescriptor method, Guid instanceId, TimeSpan timeout, bool timeoutWhileDebugging,
    TraceWriter trace, ILogger logger, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, Func<bool> isDebuggerAttached)

    bool shouldTimeout = timeoutWhileDebugging || !isDebuggerAttached();
    string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
        "Timeout value of {0} exceeded by function '{1}' (Id: '{2}'). {3}",
        timeout.ToString(), method.ShortName, instanceId,
        shouldTimeout ? "Initiating cancellation." : "Function will not be cancelled while debugging.");

    trace.Error(message, null, TraceSource.Execution);


    // Only cancel the token if not debugging
    if (shouldTimeout)
        // only cancel the token AFTER we've logged our error, since
        // the Dashboard function output is also tied to this cancellation
        // token and we don't want to dispose the logger prematurely.

I assumed that you specified the TimeoutAttribute for your function as follows:

I would recommend you could use a CancellationToken parameter in your function and it would be canceled whenever a timeout occurs or host shutdown, and you could exit your function gracefully as follows:

