Does Xamarin.mac Support GTK# User Interface

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-02-08 07:22:06


I have an application coded with Mono.Mac using GTK# for the UI.I now have access to Xamarin.mac.Im trying to migrate the mono.mac solution to xamarin.mac. I'm trying copy-paste the code from mono.mac to a new xamarin.mac project,but there is no GUI builder in the Xamarin.mac project.So does Xamarin.mac support GTK#? Is there a better way i can migrate?


My goal is to bundle the mono runtime with the app package so that the user need not install it manually.


MonoMac .csproj information:

First if you are not getting the upgrade to Xam.Mac dialog, it could be due to one or both of the following lines in your MonoMac project file:


If they exist, just edit the csproj file (right-click on project file: select Tools/Edit file), delete those lines, and save the file which should case an auto-project refresh, if no, close and reopen the solution/project.

Of course this assumes that the project is tagged as a MonoMac Type project in the csproj file.

At this point I would assume your project was originally created as a normal .Net project and you manually added MonoMac as a reference and thus XamStudio and xbuild would not see it as a 'special project type'.

Look for the ProjectTypeGuids tag in the project file:

The following is a C# / MonoMac project:


Assuming you only find the C# tag and not the MonoMac/Xam.Mac tag, I would change the project type and add MonoMac and then allow XamStudio to convert it to Xamarin.Mac (really just updating the guid and the MonoMac reference to XamMac)..

Current project:


Edit to:


After XamMac conversion:

<ProjectTypeGuids>{42C0BBD9-55CE-4FC1-8D90-A7348ABAFB23};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B 00C04F79EFBC}</ProjectTypeGuids>

At this point, your project should be seen as a XamMac type and the bundling from the menu, extra project options, etc. should now be exposed.

Standard C#/.Net project tag:


Xamarin.Mac project tag:


MonoMac project tag:


