Events that should be emitted by a KTable

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-02-08 03:42:07


I am trying to test a topology that, as the last node, has a KTable. My test is using a full-blown Kafka Cluster (through confluent's Docker images) so I am not using the TopologyTestDriver.

My topology has input of key-value types String -> Customer and output of String -> CustomerMapped. The serdes, schemas and integration with Schema Registry all work as expected.

I am using Scala, Kafka 2.2.0, Confluent Platform 5.2.1 and kafka-streams-scala. My topology, as simplified as possible, looks something like this:

val otherBuilder = new StreamsBuilder()

     .mapValues(c => CustomerMapped(c.surname, c.age))   

(all implicit serdes, Produced, Consumed, etc are the default ones and are found correctly)

My test consists in sending a few records (data) onto the source topic in synchronously and without pause, and reading back from the target topic, I compare the results with expected:

val data: Seq[(String, Customer)] = Vector(
   "key1" -> Customer(0, "Obsolete", "To be overridden", 0),
   "key1" -> Customer(0, "Obsolete2", "To be overridden2", 0),
   "key1" -> Customer(1, "Billy", "The Man", 32),
   "key2" -> Customer(2, "Tommy", "The Guy", 31),
   "key3" -> Customer(3, "Jenny", "The Lady", 40)
val expected = Vector(
   "key1" -> CustomerMapped("The Man", 32),
   "key2" -> CustomerMapped("The Guy", 31),
   "key3" -> CustomerMapped("The Lady", 40)

I build the Kafka Stream application, setting between other settings, the following two:

p.put(StreamsConfig.COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, "5000")
val s: Long = 50L * 1024 * 1024
p.put(StreamsConfig.CACHE_MAX_BYTES_BUFFERING_CONFIG, s.toString)

So I expect the KTable to use caching, having an interval of 5 seconds between commits and a cache size of 50MB (more than enough for my scenario).

My problem is that the results I read back from the target topic always contain multiple entries for key1. I would have expected no event to be emitted for the records with Obsolete and `Obsolete1. The actual output is:

    "key1" -> CustomerMapped("To be overridden", 0),
    "key1" -> CustomerMapped("To be overridden2", 0),
    "key1" -> CustomerMapped("The Man", 32),
    "key2" -> CustomerMapped("The Guy", 31),
    "key3" -> CustomerMapped("The Lady", 40)

One final thing to mention: this test used to work as expected until I updated Kafka from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0. I verified this downgrading my application again.

I am quite confused, can anyone point out whether something changed in the behaviour of KTables in the 2.2.x versions? Or maybe there are now new settings I have to set to control the emission of events?


In Kafka 2.2, an optimization was introduced to reduce the resource footprint of Kafka Streams. A KTable is not necessarily materialized if it's not required for the computation. This holds for your case, because mapValues() can be computed on-the-fly. Because the KTable is not materialized, there is no cache and thus each input record produces one output record.


If you want to enforce KTable materialization, you can pass in"someStoreName") into StreamsBuilder#table() method.

