Why would 'deleting' nodes in this lock-free stack class would cause race condition?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-02-07 18:18:08


In the book titled "C++ Concurrency in Action" by Anthony Williams, in Section 7.2.1, a lock-free stack implementation is listed:

template <typename T>
class lock_free_stack {
    struct node {
        shared_ptr<T> data_;
        node* next_;
        node(const T& data) : data_(make_shared(data)) {}
    atomic<node*> head_;
    void push(const T& data)
        node* new_node = new node(data);
        new_node->next_ = head_.load();
        while(!head.compare_exchange_weak(new_node->next_, new_node));
    shared_ptr<T> pop()
        node* old_head = head_.load();
        while (old_head &&
                !head_.compare_exchange_weak(old_head, head_->next_));
        return old_head ? old_head->data_ : shared_ptr<T>();

Then in Section 7.2.2, the author says "... at pop(), we opted to leak nodes in order to avoid the race condition where one thread deletes a node while another thread still holds a pointer to it that it's just about to dereference."

1) I don't understand why such a scenario might happen and why the following pop() function would cause race condition:

shared_ptr<T> pop()
    node* old_head = head_.load(); // (1)
    while (old_head &&
            !head_.compare_exchange_weak(old_head, head_->next_)); // (2)
    shared_ptr<T> res; // (3)
    if (old_head) {
        delete old_head;
        return res;
    } else {
        return {};

2) How comes that for multiple threads that call pop() at the same time, 'old_head' variable can point to the same node object after line (3)?


Thread 1 proceeds to (2). It starts to evaluate head_->next. It loads head_ into a register, then gives up priority.

Thread 2 proceeds from the start to the end of the function. It removes head_ from existence by deleting it and returns the contents of head_.

Thread 1 wakes up. It follows head_ in a register getting the ->next field. But thread 2 has already deleted the data pointed to by head_, and we just followed a dangling pointer.


I had the same confusions reading that and tried to google the answer...I couldn't find an answer and finally went to check compare_exchange_weak reference. The part we were missing is the time you pass in second desired parameter, you're already dereferencing the dangling pointer... You can't really get away with that since the function needs to know what you're passing in, thus dereferencing it.

