Calling python script from C#

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-02-06 13:30:06


I have a C# code which helps to run python environment first and then it executes my python process. But the problem is it takes a lot of time to execute.

Actually i just want to pass my values and execute single line of code in python script. But need to execute all python code every time. Is there a way to run python process out side and just run the single line when i want.

I attached both C# code and python process with this

C# Code

public String  Insert(float[] values)

            // full path of python interpreter
            string python = @"C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2\python.exe";

            // python app to call
            string myPythonApp = @"C:\";

            // dummy parameters to send Python script 
            //int x = 2;
            //int y = 5;

            // Create new process start info
            ProcessStartInfo myProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(python);

            // make sure we can read the output from stdout
            myProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            myProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            myProcessStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
            myProcessStartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;

            // start python app with 3 arguments 
            // 1st arguments is pointer to itself, 2nd and 3rd are actual arguments we want to send
            myProcessStartInfo.Arguments = myPythonApp + " " + values[0] + " " + values[1] + " " + values[2] + " " + values[3] + " " + values[4] + " " + values[5];

            Process myProcess = new Process();
            // assign start information to the process
            myProcess.StartInfo = myProcessStartInfo;


            // Read the standard output of the app we called. 
            // in order to avoid deadlock we will read output first and then wait for process terminate:
            StreamReader myStreamReader = myProcess.StandardOutput;
            string myString = myStreamReader.ReadLine();

            /*if you need to read multiple lines, you might use:
                string myString = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd() */

            // wait exit signal from the app we called and then close it.


            // write the output we got from python app
            Console.WriteLine("Value received from script: " + myString);
            Console.WriteLine("Value received from script: " + myString);

And python Script

import numpy as np
import sys

val1 = float(sys.argv[1]) 
val2 = float(sys.argv[2]) 
val3 = float(sys.argv[3]) 
val4 = float(sys.argv[4]) 
val5 = float(sys.argv[5]) 
val6 = float(sys.argv[6]) 

# Load dataset
url = "F:\FINAL YEAR PROJECT\Amila\data2.csv"
names = ['JawLower', 'BrowLower', 'BrowRaiser', 'LipCornerDepressor', 'LipRaiser','LipStretcher','Emotion_Id']
dataset = pandas.read_csv(url, names=names)

# shape
# print(dataset.shape)

# class distribution
# print(dataset.groupby('Emotion_Id').size())

# Split-out validation dataset
array = dataset.values
X = array[:,0:6]
Y = array[:,6]
neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3), Y) 


print(neigh.predict([[val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,val6]])) this is the line of code i want to execute separatly.


I would suggest you to use REST API to call python code from C# application. To achieve that you need to use two libraries: CPickle and flask

  1. Expose line of code as a function and annotate
  2. Serialise your model after training and load when predicting

Please refer to this code, I have created in python 3.5

from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import pickle
from flask import Flask, abort, jsonify, request
import numpy as np
import json

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/api/create', methods=['GET'])

def create_model():
    iris = datasets.load_iris()
    x =
    y =
    model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=2), y)
    pickle.dump(model, open("iris_model.pkl", "wb"))
    return "done"

def default(o):
    if isinstance(o, np.integer):
        return int(o)
    raise TypeError

@app.route('/api/predict', methods=['POST'])
def make_predict():
    my_rfm = pickle.load(open("iris_model.pkl", "rb"))
    data = request.get_json(force=True)
    predict_request = [data['sl'], data['sw'], data['pl'], data['pw']]
    predict_request = np.array(predict_request)
    output = my_rfm.predict(predict_request)[0]
    return json.dumps({'result': np.int32(output)}, default=default)

if __name__ == '__main__':, debug=True)

you can run it as:


You'll need to create a new process in order to call your program.

look at this : C# equivalent to fork()/exec()


Why don't you actually use Python to run the code instead of embedding in C#? How are you going to deploy on another machine with Python dependencies?

If you would like to build machine learning models there are many frameworks like for classic machine learning algorithms

Also try my project as well: deepakkumar1984/SiaNet ( Its a C# wrapper with CNTK backend. Trying to implement keras like wrapper. Hope it helps!

