Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'UILabel?' and 'String'

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-05 12:35:44


Error : Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'UILabel?' and 'String'

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
  let Soft = 5
  let Medium = 8
    let Hard = 12

    @IBAction func hardnessSelected(_ sender: UIButton) {
        let hardness = sender.titleLabel

        if hardness == "Soft"{
        else if hardness == "Medium"{
            print (Medium)
        else {
            print (Hard)



How can i fix this error?


You don't give the line number the error is on, but looking at the text it mentions operation == so I'm guessing it's one of these:

if hardness == "Soft"{

else if hardness == "Medium"{

"Soft" and "Medium" are the strings, so hardness must be a 'UILabel?. Those types can't be compared to each other. You must want the text displayed on the button? Looking at the UILabel docs, there is a text property so you probably want to change this line to grab the string representing the button's text:

let hardness = sender.titleLabel.text

Are you using dynamic buttons? It would be less error prone to just compare the sender with the button your are checking for. Comparing hard-coded strings to the text of the button can lead to run-time errors. Maybe you didn't get the case right, misspelled the text, or decided to localize later so the text may be different in a different language. These errors wouldn't be caught at compile-time.


You're trying to compare two different types. To get the actual text of UILabel, you'll need hardness.text.


UIButton.titleLabel is a UILabel and it stores its text in UILabel.text property:

let hardness = sender.titleLabel.text

In the case of UIButton you can also access UIButton.currentTitle property:

let hardness = sender.currentTitle


An UIButton exposes its label through an UILabel that manage the drawing of its text. Thus change:

let hardness = sender.titleLabel


let hardness = sender.titleLabel.text

UIKit docs says:


var titleLabel: UILabel?

A view that displays the value of the currentTitle property for a button.



var text: String?

The current text that is displayed by the label.

There is also a more direct way using the currentTitle:


var currentTitle: String?

The current title that is displayed on the button.


let hardness = sender.currentTitle

will also work.

