Passing character strings of different lengths to functions in Fortran

北战南征 提交于 2021-02-05 07:18:12


I am using Fortran 90 with the gfortran compiler as part of cygwin. I want to write a function that will create a series of new folders into a directory that is also passed as a parameter along with a number that is the maximum number of new consecutively numbered folders. Since I have to declare the length of the characters (ie strings) but also want to universally be able to pass different paths, I tried to pass the trimmed strings to the function.

program main

    implicit none
    character(len = 6) :: newdir
    character(len = 27) :: path
    newdir = "neu1A"
    path = "c:/users/i/desktop/rainer"
    print*,len_trim(path)                 !Outputs the correct length of 25
    print*,len_trim(newdir)               !Outputs the correct length of 5
    call newdirec(trim(newdir),trim(path),5)
end program main

But since I have to newly declare the parameters in the function, their length is overwritten/lost in the process. How can I use the correct length of the strings and keep the functional usable universally? I have to use the lengths because of the formatting string needed for building a string that calls onto the system to create the directories. I use Fortran 90, so a few options are not available.

function newdirec(newdir,path, foldnum)

    character (len = 27) :: path
    character (len = 50) :: newdir
    character (len = (len_trim(path) + len_trim(newdir))) :: newpath

    character (len = 100) :: format_string, newdir_len_str, makedir
    integer :: foldnum

    newpath = trim(path)//"/"//trim(newdir)
    print*,len_trim(newpath)      !Outputs the 'wrong' but declared length of 77
    write(newdir_len_str, "(I2)") len_trim(newpath)

    do i = 1, foldnum
        if (i < 10) then
            format_string = "(A"//trim(newdir_len_str)//",I1)"
        elseif (i < 100) then
            format_string = "(A"//trim(newdir_len_str)//",I2)"
            format_string = "(A"//trim(newdir_len_str)//",I3)"
        write (makedir, format_string) "mkdir "//trim(newpath),i
        !call system(trim(makedir))
        print *, trim(makedir)
    end do
end function newdirec


As Vladimir suggested, the normal way to declare character arguments of a subroutine or function is :

 function newdirec(newdir,path, foldnum)
    character (*) :: newdir,path

In that case, the intrinsic function LEN allows you to get the size of the strings inherited from the calling procedure.

I see absolutely no good reason to declare them with a fixed length like 27 or 50 ... except if you really look for troubles in a near future, for instance when you will change the declarations in the calling procedure : a length mismatch generally leads to a weird fatal error difficult to understand.


Thanks to Vladimir, Albert and Francois I sorted out my problem as recommended:

subroutine newdirect(newdir, path, foldnum)

    character(*) :: path, newdir
    character (len = 1024) :: newpath, format_string, newdir_len_str, makedir
    integer :: foldnum

    newpath = trim(path) // "/" // trim(newdir)
    write(newdir_len_str, "(I3.3)") len_trim(newpath) + 6 ! +6 because of "mkdir "
    do i = 1, foldnum
        format_string = "(A" // trim(newdir_len_str) // ",I3.3)" !I3.3: Format for three-digit
        write (makedir, format_string) "mkdir " // trim(newpath), i
        call system(trim(makedir))
        print *, trim(makedir)
    end do
end subroutine newdirect

