Getting error while registering reducers using ActionReducerMap: “not assignable to type 'ActionReducerMap<AppState, Action>”

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-04 22:43:50


Below is simplified version of my Angular 5 application. I have a reducer, which I want to register in my root module. In LINE A I am getting following error:

ERROR in src/app/store/app.reducers.ts(7,14): error TS2322: Type '{ post: (state: State, action: Action) => void; }' is not assignable to type 'ActionReducerMap<AppState, Action>'.
  Types of property 'post' are incompatible.
    Type '(state: State, action: Action) => void' is not assignable to type 'ActionReducer<State, Action>'.
      Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'State'.

app.module.ts : Root module

  imports: [

store/app.reducers.ts : inside Global store

import {ActionReducerMap} from "@ngrx/store";
import * as fromPost from "../postDir/store/post.reducers";

export interface AppState {
export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<AppState> = { //=======LINE A ======

postDir/store/post.reducers.ts :inside local store

export interface State{

const initialPostState: State = {

export function postReducer(state = initialPostState, action:postActions.PostActions){}

Code works fine if I replace <AppState> in LINE A with <any> Did anyone else face the similar issue? I tried to google but could not find anything significant.


Your error message says that property post has the wrong method signature. It is (state: State, action: Action) => void, but should be (state: State, action: Action) => State.

In post.reducers.ts your reducer needs to return the state that is passed into it like this:

export function postReducer(state = initialPostState, action:Action) { 
  return state;

The return type is being implicitly inferred from what you are, or in this case aren't, returning.

You could explicitly state the return type with ...): State {... but you should still return the state.


I got a similar situation, and after a lot of time, checking my code, I found a missing property return in the switch case actions in the reducer. Make sure you load your previous state with spread operator ...state so you avoid a lot of problems hard to find. In my case I returned all properties but one without first load the previous state. Got the TS2322 error and spent hours to fix and understand what happens. Taking your code as example:

export function postReducer(state = initialPostState, action:postActions.PostActions){

// here you must return the state after an action
   switch (action.type){
       case postActions.ACTION_EXAMPLE:
       return {
              ...state, someProperty: action.payload  // here you load your previous state and change just that one you want

      case postActions.ACTION_02_EXAMPLE:
      return {
              ...state, someProperty: action.payload  // here you load your previous state and change just that one you want

     return { ...state}

Hope it helps!


Answering if someone stumbles upon the same mistake I did. I had this issue using @ngrx/entity when I wanted to reset the state to the initial state on a specific action. I had

I had

on(actions.resetState, () => adapter.getInitialState())

when I should have had the extra properties included like

on(actions.resetState, () => adapter.getInitialState({ foo: 'bar' }))

