How to store Session ID securely

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-02 09:06:29


I am a student learning about cryptography. After searching online, I am still unable to find an answer to my question. I am wondering how to store a session ID securely for an ecommerce website. If it is possible, how so? Please do explain it in Layman's term. Looking forward to your helpful answers.



Session IDs are usually just a random (opaque) identifier that is passed between the client and the server. The server uses the identifier to look up state information (e.g. current cart content) in the database.

As a practical matter, you have to trust that the client will protect the session id, as once you send it to them, it becomes a static token -- no amount of cryptography can fix the fact that anyone can present a session id and then pretend to be the user.

There are some things that you can do to mitigate issues:

  1. ensure you are using a "secure enough" random generator to build the token

  2. make sure the transmission of the token is as secure as possible against eavesdropping or client-side theft (e.g. use SSL, httponly and secure cookie flags)

  3. Give the token a reasonable timeout, and require the user to request a new token periodically using e.g. a refresh token or re-login.

A lot of thought has gone in to how this can work practically - have a look at the OAuth2 / OpenID Connect protocols.

