How to detect if in ANY candle in the past 'n' candles meet a certain requirement?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-01-29 20:01:36


I'd like to check if ANY candle in the past 'n' candles meet a certain condition.

E.g. let's check if any close in the latest 20 candles was higher than 'x':

x = 2
n = 20
condition = [ANY of n] > x


See barssince() and an example showing how to use it here.

You can also count the number of occurrences of a condition in the last n bars using:

sum(cond ? 1 : 0, len)

Disclosure: the link in this answer points to a PineCoders FAQ entry.
I am a member of the PineCoders community and I most probably wrote that FAQ entry. PineCoders is a TradingView-supported group of volunteer Pine coders and PineCoders' website is strictly educational. Neither TradingView nor PineCoders benefits financially from sending traffic to, and the site contains no affiliate/referral links.

