Sphere-plane collision resolve

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-01-29 17:49:50


I want to write a c++ program that will calculate collision between sphere and plane.

The rule is that the angle of the falling object equals to angle of reflection.

What do I have for sphere:

//sphere coordinates and radius
float x;
float y;
float z;
float r;
//sphere velocity vector projections
float vx;
float vy;
float vz;

Plane is described by plane equation coefficients:

float A;
float B;
float C;
float D;

With sphere-plane collision detection I have no problem. But how to find velocity after collision?

What did I find:

So, ultimately I need to calculate updated values for vx vy vz.


The equation defining the plane is

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0

So the vector normal to the plane is

W = (A, B, C)

Normalize it:

n = W/|W|

Now take the velocity vector:

V = (vx, vy, vz)

Its component normal to the plane is

Vn = (V . n) n

and the rest of it, the part parallel to the plane is

Vp = V - Vn

We want to reverse the normal component and leave the parallel component unchanged:

V' = -Vn + Vp

which works out to

V' = V - 2(V . n)n


@Beta’s answer on c++:

float wl = sqrt(plane->A*plane->A+plane->B*plane->B+plane->C+plane->C); // “W” vector length

float nx = plane->A/wl; //Normal components
float ny = plane->B/wl;
float nz = plane->C/wl;

float scope = (sphere->vx*nx + sphere->vy*ny + sphere->vz*nz)*2; // 2(V . n)

nx = nx*scope; // 2(V . n)n
ny = ny*scope;
nz = nz*scope;

sphere->vx -= nx; // V' = V - 2(V . n)n
sphere->vy -= ny;
sphere->vz -= nz;

