How to specify become password for tasks delegated to localhost

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-01-29 17:27:27


I have a playbook that targets a particular host. But there are few tasks that I need to execute locally, so i am using "delegate_to" for those tasks. A few locally delegated tasks require sudo privileges, so I used "become: yes" and passed --ask-become-pass through command line and it worked fine. But now when I have created a job on ansible tower, how do I manage to provide become password for the user(i guess awx user) that is running the job???


You'll want to set the special variable ansible_become_password, described in

Because you'll be storing the password as a variable for your playbook(s), you'll notice they recommend encrypting the password with Ansible Vault to avoid storing a clear-text password.

Assuming you're storing your code/playbooks in git, there are a few options to consider:

  1. Storing the Vault password in a file
  2. Updating .gitignore to ignore the Vault password file
  3. Updating ansible.cfg to set the default Vault password file (example below)
vault_password_file = .vault_password

I lack experience with Ansible Tower, but have done similar with Rundeck successfully. Hope that helps!


While creating credentials you have an option in TOwer to use sudo username.

  1. PRIVILEGE ESCALATION USERNAME --- Mention your username there
  2. PRIVILEGE ESCALATION PASSWORD --- You can mention your passwords here or select "Prompt on Launch", option to enter password will come when you run template.

Please check this screen shot

