Prepared statement in an array and bind() for X DevAPI

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-29 15:00:53


I want the statement to search a number of Ids. Like so.

const idsStr = "41, 42, 43";
const sqlStr = `SELECT * FROM table where id IN (${idsStr})`;

But if I use bind method, it only captures the first instance of the string, the remaining values are ignored.

const idsStr = "41, 42, 43";
const sqlStr = `SELECT * FROM table where id IN (?)`;

I want to make prepared statement according to the API currently support so as to avoid SQL injection.


This is a limitation of the API (and the X Plugin itself) and a byproduct of the fact that CRUD expressions support an alternative syntax such as IN [41, 42, 43]. Right now, the only way to do what you want is for the SQL statement itself to contain placeholders for all those ids:

const sqlStr = `SELECT * FROM table where id IN (?, ?, ?)
await session.sql(sqlStr).bind(41, 42, 43).execute()

Of course this does not work if you need a dynamic number of elements in the filtering criteria. In that case, you can resort to something like:

const ids = [41, 42, 43]
const sqlStr = `SELECT * FROM table where id IN (${ => '?').join(',')})`
await session.sql(sqlStr).bind(ids).execute()

This is probably a bit convoluted but it's the smartest workaround I can think of at the moment.

In the meantime, maybe you can open a bug report at using the Connector for Node.js category.

Disclaimer: I'm the lead dev of the MySQL X DevAPI Connector for Node.js

