How can I increase the failure timeout of an apple Pay operation?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-01-29 14:10:33


In the current implementation, my payment takes a long time in some cases. Often users have an error like "Apple pay not completed". The question says that in iOS 11 this happens after 15-20 seconds, can I increase this time, if so, how ? If the payment has time to process during this time, the payment in apple pay is successful.


Unfortunately this is not possible from what i know and what i found , the onpaymentauthorized method has to be called within 30 seconds , if not the payment is declined . Refer to this , in most cases you only have as much as 30 seconds .


While changing the failure timeout is impossible, there is still a workaround to avoid the "Apple pay not completed" message for cases when, for example, your API call processing the payment has extended timeout. (At the moment of writing this answer, on iOS 13, the ApplePay dialog would timeout itself in around 30 secs).

The trick is to set a one-time timer, which would dismiss the ApplePay dialog just before it decides to give up. Of course your app must always give user proper feedback when the purchase process ends (was it success or failure), 'cause ApplePay dialog won't be able to show anything after you dismiss it.

Example timer:

_ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 25, repeats: false) { _ in
    guard self.applePayBeingProcessed == true else { return }
    if let applePayVC = AppUtil.shared.topMostController() as? PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController {
        self.applePayHasTimeouted = true
        applePayVC.dismiss(animated: true)

*applePayBeingProcessed is set to true in paymentAuthorizationViewController(_:didAuthorizePayment:handler:) and set back to false right after calling handler(PKPaymentAuthorizationResult(status: paymentStatus, errors: [error])) - so that the routine called by timer would be skipped when ApplePay dismissed in a normal way via paymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish(_:)

** applePayHasTimeouted is later checked inside a completion of your payment processing API call, if true it means we need to perform actions, that are normally supposed to be performed inside paymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish(_:) (because the latter will never be called after manually closing ApplePay dialog)

*** topMostController() method finds the controller from the top of hierarchy. How to do this is out of scope of current question, there lots of ways to do this, my favorite one is in this answer.

