Angular 8 Metronic binding not updating

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-29 10:18:48


I started a project with Angular 8 Metronic.

I have a component with a form. I want spinner appears on submit click and disappear on API response. Here is a part of the component code :

	selector: 'change-password',
	templateUrl: './change-password.component.html',
	styleUrls: ['./change-password.component.scss'],
export class ChangePasswordComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

	isLoading: boolean = false;
	submit() {

		this.isLoading = true;
			.changePassword(changePasswordData).pipe(finalize(() => this.isLoading = false))
			.subscribe(() => {});
<form class="kt-form" [formGroup]="changePasswordForm" autocomplete="off">
	<div class="kt-login__actions">
		<button (click)="submit()" 
		[ngClass]="{'kt-spinner kt-spinner--right kt-spinner--md kt-spinner--light': isLoading}">

When I click on submit button, isLoading property is updated to true and spinner appears. When finalize() executes, isLoading property is updated to false but spinner do not disappear...

I don't understand.

I tried to use NgZone but same problem.

Any idea ?


I tried with tap and subscribe. Still the same problem. Problem is only for rendering. If I click on submit button again, isLoading property is false, as expected. But spinner still running.


If you want to do something when the observable completes then use the complete callback instead of finalize:


Quick checklist

  1. Are you sure finalize is running and the boolean is changing?

    finalize is executed when the subscription is completed, not just emitting a value. There could be an issue with this.utilisateurService.changePassword(...) never completing the observable.

  2. Does it work if you change finalize to tap?

    tap transparently performs actions or side-effects on every emission.

          .pipe(tap(() => this.loading = false))
          .subscribe(() => { });
  1. As a last resource: Does it work if you do not use the pipe and change the boolean inside the subscription?
          .subscribe(() => { this.loading = false; });

Even when I work in a project with Angular 8 Metronic, this issue would be Angular not changing the render when a prop changes, that is battle-tested.

