Operation not supported: Expense with BillableStatus should have CustomerRef for AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail Line in Purchase

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2021-01-29 10:15:31


I have attempted to submit a Purchase as Check to QBD using PHP SDK with the below XML request content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:Purchase xmlns:ns0="http://schema.intuit.com/finance/v3" domain="QB">
  <ns0:PrivateNote>Test for QBD Purchase Check</ns0:PrivateNote>
      <ns0:ClassRef name="Coffee and tea">QB:8</ns0:ClassRef>
      <ns0:AccountRef name="Computer and Internet Expenses">QB:10</ns0:AccountRef>
      <ns0:CustomerRef name="Arnold Schwarzenegger">QB:3</ns0:CustomerRef>
      <ns0:ClassRef name="Alcoholic beverages">QB:2</ns0:ClassRef>
      <ns0:AccountRef name="Computer and Internet Expenses">QB:10</ns0:AccountRef>
  <ns0:AccountRef name="My Bank Account">QB:30</ns0:AccountRef>
  <ns0:EntityRef name="Herry Pilor">QB:9</ns0:EntityRef>

Since both lines have been marked BillableStatus=NotBillable, however, the first line comes without CustomerRef.

Submit that content should get this response message:

http://schema.intuit.com/finance/v3" time="2014-02-21T09:04:42.972Z">Operation failed with errors:
Operation not supported: Expense with BillableStatus should have CustomerRef for AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail Line in Purchase </Message></Error></Fault></IntuitResponse>

So the question is that why it requires Customer when BillableStatus=NotBillable?

But in the previous Java API version, there was no Customer expected when NotBillable

Please advice. Thanks


BillableStatus must be excluded from the request if CustomerRef is not specified. This is a known issue.

