How can I fix a py2app error when building with py2app

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-01-29 09:44:45


Trying to build a simple wxpython app using py2app and using pyenv. I created a virtual environment from whence I run the application and build with py2app. It fails during building on a "no such file or directory" error.

copying file /Users/humberto.a.sanchez.ii/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/Resources/ -> /Users/humberto.a.sanchez.ii/PycharmProjects/gittodoistclone/dist/ error: [Errno 2] /Users/humberto.a.sanchez.ii/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/Resources/ 'No such file or directory'

I have never seen py2app copying such a file or directory. Any help would be appreciated.

I saw something similar here (How can I fix the error which occurs while building app via py2app?).

But I am not using the Xcode python


Ok, I found out what the problem was. When I pyenv installed the 3.8.5 version of python, I had not set this environment variable.


So once I uninstalled it and re-installed with the above option py2app started working correctly again. Mystery solved.

