Select entries that fulfil requirements laid out by dynamic table

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-01-29 08:18:54


I'm attempting to do a keyword search which requires all conditions to be met for a result to be shown. I've created a method of making a custom table from a string which stores all of the keywords which are currently required for this search.

I've been able to get it to happen for 'or' using the following

dbo.MultipleTextSearchValuesOR - Is used to make the table of keywords

select Title from vwIncidentSearchView inner join dbo.MultipleTextSearchValuesOR('Testing|Check') on Title Like id

This works great but can't seem to work it out for 'and' (e.g. result must have 'Testing' and 'Check').

Any help would be appreciated


I've figured it out. The way it had to be done was using a cross apply with a function splitting the string into a table.

Then the entries must be grouped by all the fields. Finally they must be checked to see if it meets all the required keywords.

I do realise this is quite a messy method along with it not beingthe most optimized method so if anyone else has any suggestions to improving performance it would be appreciated


declare @where nvarchar(max)
declare @TitleLikeClause nvarchar(max)
declare @Title nvarchar(max)

set @Title = 'Down&Email'

FROM vwIncidentSearchView  
cross apply
       from Split(@Title, '&') candidate 
             Title Like candidate.Data) t2o group by Referenceid, Title having count(*) = (select max(ID) from Split(@Title, '&'))

