How do we design the Multiple NPM Private Package in NodeJs Microservices?

五迷三道 提交于 2021-01-29 07:32:49


My project has over 30 microservices and 20 over private scope npm packages (4 teams working on these microservices). We are following those microservice best practices like DRY principles. However, we realized that there are a few issue within that we are unable to control well.

  1. The management of private npm version. e.g upgrade our private package version in our microservices.
  2. Circular dependencies between the private packages.
  3. Due to that, our microservices always build and deployment issue.

To prevent the above mentioned issue, we have group 15 of our private packages into single common private packages which help to reduce the impact of the above mentioned issue.

Will grouping almost all private package into 1 library a better approach? This will cause the microservices to have included unnecessary private packages / dependencies as we couple it in 1 private package.*

I just wonder if there is any better approach or suggestion?

