Esper/NEsper EPL event Statement

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-01-29 07:26:57


I'm new in Esper. Can anyone help me define the EPL statement to catch the event when the following situation occurs:

  • Assumming that there are events with 3 attributes - (string)Symbol, (boolean)Value, (datetime)Timestamp. For example event1 (Symbol-apple, Value-true, Timestamp- 2020.10.07 14:00:00), event2 (Symbol-orange, Value-true, Timestamp- 2020.10.07 14:00:00) and event3 (Symbol-banana, Value-false, Timestamp- 2020.10.07 14:00:00). If they have same (or almost the same) Timestamp only one of them can have attribute - Value as true. In this example event2 matchs the requirement and should be captured.

How can I define the statement to catch it?

Thanks for any help.



The "window" is an aggregation function (see manual) returns the events. The enumeration methods (selectfrom, countof, see manual) are for filtering and selecting. Something like this.

select window(*).selectFrom(v => v.value=true) as eventWithTrueFlag
from Event#length(3) 
having window(*).countOf(v => v.value=true)=1 and 
  prev(1, timestamp)=timestamp and prev(2, timestamp)=timestamp

"Event" is your event type. You didn't say what your event type is named. "Prev" is the previous function (see manual).

