Resource Controller methods with model as parameter not working

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-01-29 05:56:46


As in the basic tutorial (Laracast 5.7 from scratch) I'm trying to use the following methods public function show(prototypes $prototypes) parameter to construct a view. However my view is created correctly but $prototypes is null.

The route works well(/prototypes/1/edit) and I ensured that a prototype object with the id 1 exists. I found some older solution which stated to use something like (integer $id) as parameter but this leads to some more code. It should work like this:


public function edit(prototypes $prototypes)
    return view('prototypes.edit', compact('prototypes'));

According to Laracast From Scratch this should work.

Do you know how I could fix this?

What mechanism is behind this that the prototypes.edit method knows how to use the correct parameter?


For the Implicit Model Binding to works the injected variable name should match the route parameter name, in your case I think that your parameter name could be {prototype}, you can verify it by issuing the command php artisan route:list in the console.

If that is true you have to change the variable name to $prototype (please note the singular) in your controller function to match the parameter name {prototype}, like this:

public function edit(prototypes $prototype)
   return view('prototypes.edit', compact('prototype'));

Update: BTW the laravel convention on Model's name is singular camel case, in your case your Model should be named Prototype not prototypes, i.e.:

public function edit(Prototype $prototype)
   return view('prototypes.edit', compact('prototype'));


In order to inject the Prototypes model into the controller variable $prototypes, Laravel is expecting a matched name from the route to the input of the method. So in your routing, this:


Needs to be


in order for the edit method to inject the correct instance of your prototypes model.

