boost::interprocess message queue timed_receive() internal procedure

可紊 提交于 2021-01-29 02:28:22


im currently using the timed_receive() method from the boost::interprocess library for receiving data. Since the timing of the received messages will vary I used this method over the receive() method.

msgque->timed_receive((void*) &message,sizeof(int),recvd_size,priority,
            boost::posix_time::ptime(microsec_clock::universal_time()) + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(300))

Question: How does this method know a message is present in the buffer? Is it a polling mechanism or is there a more complex mechanism implemented? I read the documentation and couldnt find any details and the source code wasnt informative either.

Thanks already.


The library doesn't need to document how it works, because that's an implementation detail. You ideally do not need to know, which is why you use a library in the first place.

You can expect the library to implement it in terms of more primitive library building blocks:

  • shared_memory_object + mapped_region
  • mutex, + condition

That implies that the condition gets signaled by another process.

However it's also possible that something more advanced / specialized is used on a given platform (see

A quick scan of the source code confirms a straight-forward implementation on first principles using the building blocks from the library:

//Mutex to protect data structures
interprocess_mutex         m_mutex;
//Condition block receivers when there are no messages
interprocess_condition     m_cond_recv;
//Condition block senders when the queue is full
interprocess_condition     m_cond_send;
//Current start offset in the circular index
size_type                  m_cur_first_msg;
size_type                  m_blocked_senders;
size_type                  m_blocked_receivers;

There's extensive inline documentation. I suggest you read through it if you want to know more.

