Include both #ifdef and #else code in doxygen output

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-01-28 19:09:51


If have code in the following format:

#ifdef MY_DEFINE
    ///some doxy comment
    ///other doxy comment

MY_DEFINE is defined at compile time. My issue is that when doxy processes the code above, only "other doxy comment" is handled. Defining MY_DEFINE in the doxyfile makes it so "some doxy comment" is handled. I need both doxy comments to make it into the doxygen output.

Is there a simple catch all configuration I can add to the doxyfile?

The doxygen generation needs to be run on different machines, so something not needing additional installation is preferred. There are other #define statements which need to be handled by doxygen, so setting ENABLE_PREPROCESSING to NO is not enough.


