.NET single vs. multicast delegates [duplicate]

前提是你 提交于 2021-01-28 12:52:39


I have been reading a bit about delegates in depth, it is confusing that a delegate with one method could be different than a multicast delegate. However, via reflection, you can see plainly that even with only a single method, a delegate is indeed deriving from MulticastDelegate, and not immediately deriving from a Delegate object.

class Program 
    public delegate void MyDelegate();

    static void SomeMethod()

    static void Main(string[] args)
        MyDelegate del = null;
        del = new MyDelegate(SomeMethod);


I realize that a MulticastDelegate contains an invocation list of Delegate objects. I am wondering if it is possible to create a single Delegate directly and if there would be any advantage to doing so, other than calling GetInvocationList() and extracting the Delegate objects individually.


Not really. All .NET delegates are derived from MulticastDelegate. When .NET was first written, there was originally a difference between single & multicast, but that distinction was dropped before release. However, the underlying types weren't merged into one.

You can't derive from Delegate directly in C#. You might be able to in raw IL, but there's not really much point, as a MulticastDelegate operates like a singlecast delegate to all intents and purposes.

