Create Delegate from MethodInfo with Output Parameters, without Dynamic Invoke

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-01-28 12:00:59


I am trying to get a Delegate from a MethodInfo object that has Output Parameters. My code follows:

static void Main(string[] args) {

        MethodInfo m = typeof(Program).GetMethod("MyMethod2");

        IEnumerable<Type> paramsTypes = m.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType);

        Type methodType = Expression.GetDelegateType(paramsTypes.Append(m.ReturnType).ToArray());

        Delegate d = m.CreateDelegate(methodType);

        Action a = (Action)d;



I'm getting is a System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type Delegate2$1 to type System.Action in the line that does "Action a = (Action)d". The thing is that I don't know what type to put in Action because I know that the correct type is not String, it is the Output equivalent of String (String&) in compilation.

MyMethod2 has an Output parameter, and I think that is where the problem is because when I test this with MyMethod which as an Input parameter, it works.

public static void MyMethod2(out String outputParameter) {

        outputParameter = "hey";


public static void MyMethod(String inputParameter) {

  //does nothing 

Also, I know it is easier if I use Dynamic Invoke instead of a normal Delegate call but I'm not interested in that because I'm trying to enhance the performance of my program. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you


There is no Func or Action that can use out parameters. You can easily declare your own delegate type though:

public delegate void OutAction<T>(out T arg)

You could then use

OutAction<string> action = (OutAction) m.CreateDelegate(typeof(OutAction<string>));

You won't be able to use Expression.GetDelegateType because that only supports Func and Action, but you could write your own equivalent to work out the correct OutAction<> type to use based on the parameters, if you need to do it dynamically.

