When I upload the output of PEPK tools, Google Play Console says “The certificate provided is invalid. Please submit a different certificate.”

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-01-28 11:51:09


This is the command I executed in my computer according to Google Play:

java -jar pepk.jar --keystore=foo.keystore --alias=foo --output=output.zip --encryptionkey=blabla --include-cert

and I uploaded the output.zip. Google Play Console told me that:

The certificate provided is invalid. Please submit a different certificate.

Besides, there are two files in the output.zip: certificate.pem and encryptedPrivateKey.


I think this happens when your key expires too soon. Did you create your key with keytool with a default key validity period?

In the new console, the error message is different and even less descriptive:

The private key was not properly encrypted or is not a type of key that we support.

In the end I resolved this by using Android Studio to create the key store with the default 25 year key validity period.

