How to use Zero-copy sendmsg/Receive in Boost.Asio [closed]

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-01-28 11:21:46


I am using Boost.Asio, I want to improve my system by using Zero-copy sendmsg/Receive. Can I use Zero-copy sendmsg/Receive in Boost.Asio? Could you give me how to use them if I can use them?


Short answer, you can only if your in-memory representation is identical to the on-the-wire one.

See the answers here, which do an excellent job of describing how e.g. Cap'n Proto achieves this:

  • Do cereal and Boost Serialization use zero-copy?

Also compare:

  • TCP Zero copy using boost

And on creating memory-mappable representations of advanced C++ data structures so that they can be mapped on-the-wire:

  •, specifically about basic_managed_heap_memory and basic_managed_external_buffer

  • I have a gazillion examples on this site which show how to use such managed memory segments, but usually focused on managed_mapped_file and managed_shared_memory which have the exact same feature set, so you can use these with the previous managed heap segments in the same way:

