SMS Verification Code to user Phone Number

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-01-28 10:18:02


What can I do to verify that the mobile phone number on the registration form?

User: Website RegisterForm > Enter the telephone number > Phone confirmation code > Membership Ok!

How is this done?


You don't give much information on what technologies you're using, so there might be a better tailored solution for your case, but you'll need to generate your access code (ideally using a secure random generator), configure your backend to access a SMS Webservice like Esendex (please note, it's not free), send the code through it and then validate that the code the user inputs is exactly the one you've generated.

Here you can find a link to their SMS PHP SDK.


Consider using Twillio. They have an API to handle SMS and phone transactions. You can call the API from within PHP, and their rates are like 1 cent per text or less.

