DataStax Bulk Loader 1.7.0 for Apache Cassandra installation doesn't work on Ubuntu

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2021-01-28 07:50:34


maybe this could be very helpful to other people.

This is the link in which is explained the installatif DSbulk loader.

Someone could explain step by step the procedure to install it?

The first part in the link is very clear, but if you have installed JAVA (as in my case) when on terminal you run " dsbulk --version " it says "command not found".

I hope this will be very helpful, there are no tutorials neither on youtube.

Thank you


If you want to run it this way, then you need to put the bin directory of the DSBulk distribution into the shell's PATH. If you're staying in the top directory of DSBulk, then you can do following:

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/bin

and then you can call it as dsbulk. Another alternatives are to call it as bin/dsbulk, or full_path/bin/dsbulk


Thank you all! Problem solved!

Many times it happens that it must be set the right path to use you need to follow this link (very useful):

Then on terminal:

$ export PATH=path-to-unpacked-location/dsbulk-1.7.0/bin:$PATH

$ source ~/.bashrc

$ dsbulk --version

please don't copy $ when you want to insert code into the terminal! XD

and! That's it!

