AutoMapper cannot mapping Reference or using UseDestinationValue

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-01-28 06:59:34


Code First

class Woman
    public string Name { get; set; }
class Family
    public string SweetName { get; set; }
    public Woman Wife { get; set; }
class MyProfile : Profile
    public MyProfile()
        CreateMap<Woman, Woman>();
        CreateMap<Family, Family>()
            .ForMember(d => d.Wife, o => o.UseDestinationValue());
class Program
    static void main()
        // Initialize
        var ce = new MapperConfigurationExpression();
        ce.AddProfile(new MyProfile());
        var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(ce).CreateMapper();

        var oldWoman = new Woman { Name = "Alice" };
        var newWoman = mapper.Map<Woman>(oldWoman);
        Console.WriteLine($"oldWoman.Equals(newWoman) : {oldWoman.Equals(newWoman)}");
        // false 

        var oldFamily = new Family { SweetName = "family one", Wife = oldWoman };
        var newFamily = mapper.Map<Family>(oldFamily);
        Console.WriteLine($"oldFamily.Equals(newFamily) : {oldFamily.Equals(newFamily)}"); 
        // false

        Console.WriteLine($"oldFamily.Wife.Equals(newFamily.Wife) : {oldFamily.Wife.Equals(newFamily.Wife)}"); 
        // false
        // here i wanna reference of oldfamily.wife pass to newfamily.wife's

I have set UseDestinationValue(), it doesn't work?

if I don't create woman map, the two wife's reference is equal.

like this:

class MyProfile : Profile
    public MyProfile()
        //CreateMap<Woman, Woman>();
        CreateMap<Family, Family>();
        //.ForMember(d => d.Wife, o => o.UseDestinationValue());

PS. no creating woman map and UseDestinationValue is unnecessary. two wife's reference is equal without creating woman map and using UseDestinationValue method.

How to pass the reference in this case with using create a map of woman class?

Updated 1

A strange way to solve this :

class MyProfile : Profile
    public MyProfile()
        CreateMap<Woman, Woman>();
        CreateMap<Family, Family>()
            .AfterMap((s, d) => d.Wife = s.Wife);

it works, but it's not the ultimate way obviously.

it has been mapped. XD

do expect mapping after doing unexpected mapping?

